herro herro! this blog consists of fun facts and my journey on how to get in the best tip top shape! I am a health/ Exercise Science Major in College, SO LISTEN UP! This is my journey to get my body and mind in the best shape they can be! waaahoooo lets go!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Bunny hop to a healthier lifestyle!
Woooo! Can I just say how much energy I have this morning?! Two weeks of clean eating is bananas!! It's absolutely crazy how much energy I have in the gym this morning. I missed out on leg day two days ago because I was sick, took two days off to rest and now I am back and better than ever!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Body Image & eating disorders
we are going to discuss how attaining a healthy body weight has to be balanced with a message about developing a healthy body image, setting realistic goals, and maintaining emotional well-being.
I am also going to briefly go over our society's obsession with thinness and dieting and eating disorders.
shit is going to get real homie.
first of all, lets just give the media a big FUCK YOU for brain washing us all int believing what is beautiful, what looks good and what doesnt,what may or may not be the latest trends, what is "best" for us, and what goes.
I may get a little off topic for a moment, but that is only because I do not understand who the fuck decided that dolce and gabbana was going to say that a brown bag on my leg is going to be the next big thing ( this didnt really happen, but lets go with it for the point ). WHO THE FUCK made him the man, the one to call the shots? What if my out of wack fashion sense is just as fucking good as his own, I just have to rock the confidence and be able to make a few shirts, know my fabrics and shit, im a fashion designer. The advertising industry and the media are relentless in selling the American consumer an image of the ideal body, and many of us buy into WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY ARE SELLING!!!!! FUCK YOU MESSAGE OF THE MEDIA for being so fucking powerful.
oh, us poor souls who don't have the back bone to fucking not give two cares.
but, for all you out there who enjoy being told what to do and what to wear and how to look, it may or may not be effecting you emotionally, mentally, and physically, so stop!
alright, so, just like all ideas, values, attitudes and beliefs, body image is the mental representation that a person has of his or her own body, including perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, and emotions----- all which are strongly influenced by culture.
lets take females.
The female body is portrayed by the media as an object of desire, and this beautiful objectification reinforces women's focus on their appearance.
the lovely media ( said with heavy sarcasm ) place a heavy emphasis on women's physical attributes rather than on their abilities, performance, or accomplishments.
since the 1950s,what is held to be the ideal female body in US culture has been getting thinner and thinner. Can we really keep up?
Yes, I get that now we have research on healthy body weight and obese, but, marilyn monroe was curvy, healthy, and beautiful.
* studies have shown that after women view media images of thin women, they are less satisfied with their own bodies than they are after viewing images of AVERAGE sized women.
this really scared me.
eating disorders are most likely to develop during adolescence.
this is because the hormonal change that happens in the females body causes increase in body fat, especially on the hips, buttocks, and thighs.
if you or anyone you know has an eating disorder, or you believe they may, here are a few symptoms and characteristics of one..
Certain characteristics or thought patterns associated with eating disorders, including:
- Low self-esteem
- Self-critical attitude
- Belief in the importance of thinness
- Black-and-white thinking
- Feelings of emptiness
- Need for power and control
- Difficulty expressing feelings
- Lack of coping skills
- Lack of trust in self or others
- Perfectionism
Anorexia is due to starvation, anorexia carries the highest death rate of all psychiatric diagnoses. to the left is a picture of how it effects each part of your body.
Bulimia is another eating disorder that can also be deadly.
< not all of these will be present in all people with the disease
VALUE yourself based on your GOALS,TALENTS, & STRENGTHS
rather than your body shape or weight.
How to treat a eating disorder :
- First step: Recognize problem
- Effective treatment
- Therapeutic therapies ( I will make a separate blog for this! )
- multidisciplinary
- multimodality team
- Possible hospitalization
- Once weight has been stabilized, the next phase is behavioral modifications through:
- Psychotherapy
- Behavior relearning and modification
- Nutritional rehabilitation and education
- Medication
This next disorder is for my fellas as well as my ladies, but it is found more with the male than females!
Body Dysmorphic Disorder :
- Preoccupation with an imagined concern about a slight defect or exaggerated defect in appearance
- Preoccupation causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
- Other concerns related to this disorder are:
- Muscle Dysmorphia (obsession with muscle building) .. i may make a small blog for this disorder!
-try going a week without making any critical comments about your body- or anybody else!
body image,
health care,
marilyn monroe,
Since I am a college student, this blog about sleep was a must have topic for me!
We as humans spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping!
Now, according to a study,
individuals with severe sleep deprivation ( staying awake 19-24 hrs ) scored worse on performance and alertness tests than people who are legally too drunk to drive (0.1 % )
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation:
We as humans spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping!
Now, according to a study,
individuals with severe sleep deprivation ( staying awake 19-24 hrs ) scored worse on performance and alertness tests than people who are legally too drunk to drive (0.1 % )
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation:
- day time drowsiness
- sleepy while reading
- sleepy while watching tv
- if you fall asleep the instant your head hits the pillow ( a well rested person only takes 15/20 minutes to fall asleep)
NREM sleep ( non rapid eye movement ) 75% of sleep time
- stage 1- relaxed/ half awake (10 sec-10 mins)
- stage 2- brain activity slows, you stop moving (10-20 mins) beginning of your actual sleep
^ - people awaken during these two stages say that they weren't really sleeping
- stage 3/4- blood pressure drops, heart rate and respiration slow, blood to brain shorten (20-40 mins)
^- people awaken in stage 4 feel groggy, your in a "deep sleep"
REM sleep ( rapid eye movement ) 70-90 minutes after falling asleep
- breathing and heart rate go up
- brain activity is similar if you were awake
- experience first dream ( although you can in all stages )
- no muscle tone
- body can't move
- ideas are filed in long term storage
- if you sleep for 8 hours, your body cycles 5 times in the sleep cycle of NREM & REM
- memory may be impaired if sleep time is insufficient, as a result to memory impairment, the ability to learn new skills is also impaired. performance in learning a new skill does not improve until an individual has had 6 hours of sleep; performance improves even more after 8 hours of sleep!
things to remember when trying to get a good nights rest!
- ideal sleep temperature is 62-65, temps above 75 and below 54 cause people to awaken
- caffeine doubles sleep time
- take no longer than 45 minutes of naps, you'll enter stage 4 of deep sleep and it will be more difficult to wake you up and you will feel more groggy
- 7-9 hours of sleep a night is ideal for optimal health and growth
Email me if you have any questions and need help on falling asleep and how to get a propers nights rest!
hope you were somewhat informed!!
health care,
health tips,
Protein... because the natural way is gooood
Here is a giant shout out to all those protein shake companies who have the buyers fooled into thinking that their products are health beneficial to our bodies!! Please, do not get my words mixed up.
Protein shakes WILL give you bulk-age.
Protein shakes WILL shorten your life.
Yes, you read it correctly, SHORTEN YOUR LIFE.
Now now now.Protein shakes are made for your body to put on the added weight, and they do put on the added weight you want to obtain, but, they are also adding toxic to your intestine.
Anything that says " amino acids added" is BAD for you.
Your body NATURALLY will take the amino acids from food and NATURALLY break it down.
If you consume any products that take away that natural function of the body, your body can't break it down.
But its already broken down jenna, why does it mess up your intestines?
well, my little minions , because your body can't naturally go through its natural process to take and break down the amino acids from the food, everything just sits and stays in your intestines.
which, in the long run, is staying right where it started.
So yes, you are adding weight to your body, but the weight you are adding is actually harming your body rather than helping it.
Just because your results are helping you on the outside and you are looking fit and fab, DOES NOT mean that your insides are fit and fab as well.
....and if you don't care about your over all body outside AND in than, DONT READ MY BLOG, because i believe and know that good health is all about mental, physical, and emotional, all inside and out body functions!
... now back to my topic!
stay smart, save your money on the supplements and eat the real thing!
buy natural chicken, meat and fish and double up on your intake to increase lean muscle mass, or muscle mass in general. ( aa-duhhhh!)
This will not only save you money on supplements,but down the road when they realize you need a liver transplant from not being able to break down any food and cause of build up, you wont have to pay thousands of dollars to get the surgery, instead, you'll hear via facebook how that one idiot friend DID NOT LISTEN, they just wanted the fast approach, well guess whose laughing at your now stupid rabbit, all of the turtles who took the time, had patience to get their results, and thought about the smart, healthier way to add on muscle mass! :) ;)
**Keep in mind about protein**
1. if you eat meat, you wont have to worry about getting all your amino acids or b-12 vitamins!
2.protein helps with our pH balance (acid balance)
3.if you eat meat, you absorb 90% of the proper protein and nutrients your body needs to survive.
if you take supplements and chemicals, your body only absorbs 20%
4.excess protein, harmful on kidney stones
5. acts as a buffer, regulates body functions
6. very important for immune system
7. building blocks for hormones
If you want to figure out how much protein you should be getting, here is a basic equation to figure out your daily amount!
body weight/ 2.2 x .8 ( this is for the average person who doesn't work out )
if you do work out, and be true to how intense you work out, here is the rank of low intensity to high
so, say you work out a lot at your highest efforts, and your weight was 190 lbs. your equation would look like this :
190 / 2.2 = 86.36
86.36 x 1.8 = 155.5 grams of protein daily!!!
You should be having protein with every meal and or snack!
Proteins help control glucose in the body, storing glucose in the body after working out.
so,you should always team up carbs with protein.
- apple and cheese/ apple and peanut butter
- steak and brown rice
Tips for the herbivore eaters out there :
plant sources dont contain all the amino acids for the body ( incomplete proteins )
take two or more and come up with the amino acids to form one , eat beans and rice ( complementary proteins )
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
GOT THE POWER! keep up the motivation
Hey everyone! So I know I haven't kept up with my writing but A LOT has happened. From school, to work ( current weight watchers employee!) to loosing my power for two and a half weeks :/ to currently studying my ass off for my anatomy class, it's been a nightmare!!!
I haven't gotten a good workout in for about two and a half weeks now!
But, I was doing some ab work and lite leg work by candle light!! Lol
But, i will be posting a food log, I had to keep track of my emotions with what I ate daily and what I ate at each meal and all that good stuff for one of my nutrition classes in school !!!
Today's Moto : don't be lazy. You'll become hazy. Instead, WORKOUT LIKE CRAZY!!!! :)
Im about to go work out.. but remember, Rome wasn't built in a day .. Neither will you're hot body if you do it THE HEALTHY, RIGHT way :)
If you do it healthy and go on a well balanced diet and exercise program, you will KEEP that fat and flab away because you WORKED hard for it :)
I haven't gotten a good workout in for about two and a half weeks now!
But, I was doing some ab work and lite leg work by candle light!! Lol
But, i will be posting a food log, I had to keep track of my emotions with what I ate daily and what I ate at each meal and all that good stuff for one of my nutrition classes in school !!!
Today's Moto : don't be lazy. You'll become hazy. Instead, WORKOUT LIKE CRAZY!!!! :)
Im about to go work out.. but remember, Rome wasn't built in a day .. Neither will you're hot body if you do it THE HEALTHY, RIGHT way :)
If you do it healthy and go on a well balanced diet and exercise program, you will KEEP that fat and flab away because you WORKED hard for it :)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Fact of the day! No starvation and drink up!
Hey everyone! This fact is about body temperature and how to stay Alive :)
As body temp drops below 37 degrees C (98.6 F), metabolic reactions become Slower and slower, and finally stop.
SO!!! This fact is telling y'all to NOT starve because your body needs food to fuel its normal body temperate and keep it right! in the end, it is very harmful to starve or skip meals. you are only damaging the rate of breaking down food. Eventually, when you do decide to eat food, the body will keep every nutrient from that food, holding onto it causing you to either stay the same weight, or gain it.
your not only starving, but your metabolism has now completely slowed down or stopped working. :/
So keep on feeding that coal ( food) to keep the fire burning( stomach and metabolism ) !!!!
Also, when body temperature is too high, chemical reactions occur at a frantic pace and body proteins lose their characteristic shape and stop functioning. At an extreme, death occurs. The activity of the muscular system generates most of the body heat!
So stay hydrated and drink your water! 60-80% of water accounts for our body weight and it is also the single most abundant chemical substance in the body. Water provides the watery environment necessary for chemical reactions and the fluid base for body secretions and excretions.
Drink up fools!
These facts were brought to you by Elaine Marieb and Kata Hoehn, the authors of my Human Anatomy & Physiology book!
Have an awesome day everyone!!
As body temp drops below 37 degrees C (98.6 F), metabolic reactions become Slower and slower, and finally stop.
SO!!! This fact is telling y'all to NOT starve because your body needs food to fuel its normal body temperate and keep it right! in the end, it is very harmful to starve or skip meals. you are only damaging the rate of breaking down food. Eventually, when you do decide to eat food, the body will keep every nutrient from that food, holding onto it causing you to either stay the same weight, or gain it.
your not only starving, but your metabolism has now completely slowed down or stopped working. :/
So keep on feeding that coal ( food) to keep the fire burning( stomach and metabolism ) !!!!
Also, when body temperature is too high, chemical reactions occur at a frantic pace and body proteins lose their characteristic shape and stop functioning. At an extreme, death occurs. The activity of the muscular system generates most of the body heat!
So stay hydrated and drink your water! 60-80% of water accounts for our body weight and it is also the single most abundant chemical substance in the body. Water provides the watery environment necessary for chemical reactions and the fluid base for body secretions and excretions.
Drink up fools!
These facts were brought to you by Elaine Marieb and Kata Hoehn, the authors of my Human Anatomy & Physiology book!
Have an awesome day everyone!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Getting there!
Just finished some abs and arms! Trying to build light 4 pack for next summer!!!! Drinking my protein shake as well, second and a half one today!!!
I feel more alive after working out. As my evening will continue, I will start to feel the motion of my muscles , as I continue my day.
Wanna know what that feels like?
Simply work out!
It's a way to connect with your own body, in a healthy way!
Don't want to work out, that's cool! But you should at least start by stretching your muscles, stretch them until you feel a little tug.
Honestly, I lost 20 lbs all by a healthy diet and stretching every day!
Now, I maintaining my weight loss and I am putting on muscle.
I also am getting a job at weight watchers!!! Corporate meeting on Friday!!! Wooahh!
Ill post cool tips from weight watchers on here!!!
Patience is key my young grasshoppers. Success will rise from your patience and time :)
I feel more alive after working out. As my evening will continue, I will start to feel the motion of my muscles , as I continue my day.
Wanna know what that feels like?
Simply work out!
It's a way to connect with your own body, in a healthy way!
Don't want to work out, that's cool! But you should at least start by stretching your muscles, stretch them until you feel a little tug.
Honestly, I lost 20 lbs all by a healthy diet and stretching every day!
Now, I maintaining my weight loss and I am putting on muscle.
I also am getting a job at weight watchers!!! Corporate meeting on Friday!!! Wooahh!
Ill post cool tips from weight watchers on here!!!
Patience is key my young grasshoppers. Success will rise from your patience and time :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The power of workouts
It has been said that yoga is the ultimate way for us to feel more intuitive with the body.
I have to say, I may agree to disagree with you people on this one!
Yet maybe i feel as i do not agree because of who I am today.
I am a yogi. My mind is my spirit and my thoughts are my beliefs.
I can say that when I do happen to work out using weights, I am very more focused into my arm movements, I focus on them being slow and steady rather than fast and sloppy.
I had just finished my most recent work out about an hour ago.
I love when I am finished with my workouts because as I walk away, I feel my body is more alive.
I notice that my stride in my walk has more of a sway to it, my hips swing side to side in a smooth motion.
I notice how my knees bend with every step I take when I am walking up or down my stairs in the house.
I seem to notice these motions more than ever after a workout.
Any type of workout for my body is my way of relaxation.
Working out, for me, is my drug.
I cant life without it.
Recovery workout shake!
Just did about an hr and a half of yoga! Now it's time for my protein / recovery shake :) yum yum yum!
I need to eat more protein.
I did my calculations and I should be getting about 61 grams of protein daily :0
I hardly get Half of that!!!
I need to eat more protein.
I did my calculations and I should be getting about 61 grams of protein daily :0
I hardly get Half of that!!!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Hunger games
So!!! I not only didn't have time to get that good of a workout in today, but Boy, do I have the munchies!!!! I need to fuel up on protein,alright! I just made a protein shake so, so, good. ( I'll add the recipe at the bottom )
But! My body just wants to veg out and munch right now... But, the worst part is.... I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I WANT TO MUNCH ON!!!!!!!!
** TIP*** this is usually caused from BOREDOM!!! It's 945, the end of my long day, many hours were spent in front of my computer. Now, usually in the past i would think how i hardly ate during the day because my mind was completely occupied all day long. Even though my mind was on the go, that doesn't mean my body was!!
Sure, I did some yoga, but I did not work up enough calories to satisfy my late night munchie cravings!!! GO, AWAY BOREDOM!!
This is where it all becomes tricky. Whats a "hungry" girl to do???!
Sure, I can do plenty of other things to occupy my mind ; paint my nails, read a book, find some cute hair styles for a wedding I have this upcoming weekend. But right now ... I JUST WANT FOOD!!! AHHHHH !!!!
No this is where some logic comes into play. Sit back and start weighing your pros and cons ( you can use this strategy for other dilemmas besides food; taking a trip somewhere, spending money, calling that ex of yours, exc!)
But, back to the food! :)
After I list my pros and cons and let the thought sit on my mind rather than react right away... I than decide,
it's the goals that keep me far,away from my kitchen cabinet. ( especially since I made chocolate chip cookies over the weekend!!! :0 ) anyway, back to goals.
It may be short term or long term goals. Both keep you motivated. Make sure that if it is a long term goal... That you give yourself a day to indulge ( if it's a weight loss / fitness goal ) or a day to relax or whatever it is that works for your situation.
For me, Its a short goal. This Sunday I have a wedding dress that I must fit in. will I still fit in it if I gain a few pounds?? Absolutely. The other question that I ask myself is if I did gain my weight ,Will I feel as sexy and confident in that dress at that wedding as apposed to me sticking to my goal weight plan? Absolutely not.
Maybe if I get wasted I will be. BUT, That's just adding way more empty calories = adding more weight =make me more bloated and more unhappy. So in the end, I'd say that I am very happy with my choice to not munch on my late night cravings....because in the end I will love myself even more for sticking to my goal and looking hot in that dress!!! So now that I thought out what would happen if I indulged in some late night munchies, I don't even want those late night munchies anymore! Yay for the calm lifestyle that I choose ( and you can too!!!).
I mostly blame myself since I hardly got my workout on today, BUT I learn how to deal.
Stick with me, I can help you guys out with my clear thinking of food and when to eat it or not!!!
I know a close friend who has a minor depression and eating disorder. Ive noticed how she isn't in any phase in her life where she can think clearly to see how the food effects her. It's like I'm her voice. We work together.
It's almost time for bed and you know what, I'm not even having those munchie cravings anymore!!!! :)
Ah, the power of the beautiful mind.
Please leave your comments guys!!!
Love you all xoxox
Ps the smoothie recipe !!!! ( all in a blender, remember, I hardly use measuring cups!!)
-about 3 cups of ice cubes
-about two cups of chocolate soy milk
-half a scoop of my whey protein powder
- and two whole bananas
Comment your thoughts! Try this recipe... Also add some organic peanut butter for an even better taste!
But! My body just wants to veg out and munch right now... But, the worst part is.... I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I WANT TO MUNCH ON!!!!!!!!
** TIP*** this is usually caused from BOREDOM!!! It's 945, the end of my long day, many hours were spent in front of my computer. Now, usually in the past i would think how i hardly ate during the day because my mind was completely occupied all day long. Even though my mind was on the go, that doesn't mean my body was!!
Sure, I did some yoga, but I did not work up enough calories to satisfy my late night munchie cravings!!! GO, AWAY BOREDOM!!
This is where it all becomes tricky. Whats a "hungry" girl to do???!
Sure, I can do plenty of other things to occupy my mind ; paint my nails, read a book, find some cute hair styles for a wedding I have this upcoming weekend. But right now ... I JUST WANT FOOD!!! AHHHHH !!!!
No this is where some logic comes into play. Sit back and start weighing your pros and cons ( you can use this strategy for other dilemmas besides food; taking a trip somewhere, spending money, calling that ex of yours, exc!)
But, back to the food! :)
After I list my pros and cons and let the thought sit on my mind rather than react right away... I than decide,
it's the goals that keep me far,away from my kitchen cabinet. ( especially since I made chocolate chip cookies over the weekend!!! :0 ) anyway, back to goals.
It may be short term or long term goals. Both keep you motivated. Make sure that if it is a long term goal... That you give yourself a day to indulge ( if it's a weight loss / fitness goal ) or a day to relax or whatever it is that works for your situation.
For me, Its a short goal. This Sunday I have a wedding dress that I must fit in. will I still fit in it if I gain a few pounds?? Absolutely. The other question that I ask myself is if I did gain my weight ,Will I feel as sexy and confident in that dress at that wedding as apposed to me sticking to my goal weight plan? Absolutely not.
Maybe if I get wasted I will be. BUT, That's just adding way more empty calories = adding more weight =make me more bloated and more unhappy. So in the end, I'd say that I am very happy with my choice to not munch on my late night cravings....because in the end I will love myself even more for sticking to my goal and looking hot in that dress!!! So now that I thought out what would happen if I indulged in some late night munchies, I don't even want those late night munchies anymore! Yay for the calm lifestyle that I choose ( and you can too!!!).
I mostly blame myself since I hardly got my workout on today, BUT I learn how to deal.
Stick with me, I can help you guys out with my clear thinking of food and when to eat it or not!!!
I know a close friend who has a minor depression and eating disorder. Ive noticed how she isn't in any phase in her life where she can think clearly to see how the food effects her. It's like I'm her voice. We work together.
It's almost time for bed and you know what, I'm not even having those munchie cravings anymore!!!! :)
Ah, the power of the beautiful mind.
Please leave your comments guys!!!
Love you all xoxox
Ps the smoothie recipe !!!! ( all in a blender, remember, I hardly use measuring cups!!)
-about 3 cups of ice cubes
-about two cups of chocolate soy milk
-half a scoop of my whey protein powder
- and two whole bananas
Comment your thoughts! Try this recipe... Also add some organic peanut butter for an even better taste!
Healthy shrimp stir fry!
Little sister made dinner!!! Looks like she was trained right!
Recipe for shrimp stir fry
*baby shrimp
*2 frozen bags of natural mixed veggies
*tri colored whole wheat pasta
*some olive oil ( we hardly measure that)
*fresh basil
*splash of lemon juice
*dash of sea salt ( its better for you than regular salt)
*any other added flavoring ( we like to create our own flavors in my house, lol )
*cook the baby shrimp in a low pan first
*add the veggies and seasoning to the shrimp while adding your oil( don't over do the oil)
*in a separate bowl, boil your pasta
*when the pasta is ready , add to the shrimp and veggie mixture
*add a little bit more seasoning and enjoy!!
From my sister to you guy!!
Recipe for shrimp stir fry
*baby shrimp
*2 frozen bags of natural mixed veggies
*tri colored whole wheat pasta
*some olive oil ( we hardly measure that)
*fresh basil
*splash of lemon juice
*dash of sea salt ( its better for you than regular salt)
*any other added flavoring ( we like to create our own flavors in my house, lol )
*cook the baby shrimp in a low pan first
*add the veggies and seasoning to the shrimp while adding your oil( don't over do the oil)
*in a separate bowl, boil your pasta
*when the pasta is ready , add to the shrimp and veggie mixture
*add a little bit more seasoning and enjoy!!
From my sister to you guy!!
Hey guys so this blog is for anyone dealing with learning disabilities and minor depressions.
I have ADHD.. And I love myself when I'm off my medicine because I am just, well, myself! So this goes back to my pink lady ( it is appreciation day , don't forget!!) back in early 2011 is when I wrote this entry.....
Now I'm not going to bore anyone with what the entry said... But the basic just of it was how I've noticed that when I live a "natural" foodstyle ( ate all natural foods; fruits, veggies, chicken, no preservatives , exc) is when I found that my focus was no only better than my fatter cheese and fatter milk diet, but my energy and happiness had sky rocketed. So of course I chose to further my education..... ( do more research)
Alright! So all you guys out there who have some type of learning disability or disorder... Fear not! Just please take two weeks to complete this new diet and we can get the show on the road to success!! ( I will add the two weeks challenge by Wednesday... )
- so!!! In honor of my "little pink book", I will be filling you guys in on my three rules and regulations!!
1. First options and first choices to put in your mouth before a meal should always be forv( fruits or veggies!) !! This way, if you are going to eat kind of unhealthy, you are at least getting your fruits or veggies in!!! Better than nothing!
2. If you are going to eat unhealthy, make sure that you aren't ALONE!
*tip* it's always better to save it for special events ; birthdays, anniversaries, special dates, family get togethers, you get it!
3. Exercise daily! Swim, bike ride, run, walk, jump, weights, yoga, Pilates , play out door games, heck even play with your dog!
Now y'all.. I know and you both know that Rome wasn't built in a day. If you slowly change lifestyle choices, you will see success!! :D
I was 160 at my highest.. My lowest I've been 120. Currently I am happy at 134. I honestly don't do this life style for the weight loss. I do it because it helps my mind and my body and soul!!!
Any comments or questions please leave them or message me!!!
Thank you guys so much and enjoy your evening!
I have ADHD.. And I love myself when I'm off my medicine because I am just, well, myself! So this goes back to my pink lady ( it is appreciation day , don't forget!!) back in early 2011 is when I wrote this entry.....
Now I'm not going to bore anyone with what the entry said... But the basic just of it was how I've noticed that when I live a "natural" foodstyle ( ate all natural foods; fruits, veggies, chicken, no preservatives , exc) is when I found that my focus was no only better than my fatter cheese and fatter milk diet, but my energy and happiness had sky rocketed. So of course I chose to further my education..... ( do more research)
Alright! So all you guys out there who have some type of learning disability or disorder... Fear not! Just please take two weeks to complete this new diet and we can get the show on the road to success!! ( I will add the two weeks challenge by Wednesday... )
- so!!! In honor of my "little pink book", I will be filling you guys in on my three rules and regulations!!
1. First options and first choices to put in your mouth before a meal should always be forv( fruits or veggies!) !! This way, if you are going to eat kind of unhealthy, you are at least getting your fruits or veggies in!!! Better than nothing!
2. If you are going to eat unhealthy, make sure that you aren't ALONE!
*tip* it's always better to save it for special events ; birthdays, anniversaries, special dates, family get togethers, you get it!
3. Exercise daily! Swim, bike ride, run, walk, jump, weights, yoga, Pilates , play out door games, heck even play with your dog!
Now y'all.. I know and you both know that Rome wasn't built in a day. If you slowly change lifestyle choices, you will see success!! :D
I was 160 at my highest.. My lowest I've been 120. Currently I am happy at 134. I honestly don't do this life style for the weight loss. I do it because it helps my mind and my body and soul!!!
Any comments or questions please leave them or message me!!!
Thank you guys so much and enjoy your evening!
health care,
no sugar,
Little pink book
Hey guys!!
So this entry is all about my "little pink book"!
First of, this book is tiny and cute. It went everywhere with me during my weight loss. It literally is the size of my hand. I got this book a few years before I got introduced to my iPhone, so this tiny pink lady was my best friend!!
In her ( my little pink book) I hold my secrets of loosing 25 pounds FAST and my thoughts ( happy and sad) along the way! So!
Today will be dedicated to my "little pink book"
I will be posting sections from the mind of a college student.
A lot of people can relate to this blog because I not only give you guys tips on success... But it's MY journey.
This means that all of my weak moments are written down, along with my proud and successful ones. It holds me feeling beautiful as i was, to how i react to my mother calling me fat.
Nobody said that this success of healthy weightloss was going to be easy...I'm here to help, relate, and be your friend during your struggles. Remember, Rome was NOT built in a day!
Please comment back guys and let me know anyone out there who is in college and trying to loose a pound or two! ( or even more!!) this book and my whole new lifestyle really helps out !
Love you all!!!! And bless your souls xoxoxo j
So this entry is all about my "little pink book"!
First of, this book is tiny and cute. It went everywhere with me during my weight loss. It literally is the size of my hand. I got this book a few years before I got introduced to my iPhone, so this tiny pink lady was my best friend!!
In her ( my little pink book) I hold my secrets of loosing 25 pounds FAST and my thoughts ( happy and sad) along the way! So!
Today will be dedicated to my "little pink book"
I will be posting sections from the mind of a college student.
A lot of people can relate to this blog because I not only give you guys tips on success... But it's MY journey.
This means that all of my weak moments are written down, along with my proud and successful ones. It holds me feeling beautiful as i was, to how i react to my mother calling me fat.
Nobody said that this success of healthy weightloss was going to be easy...I'm here to help, relate, and be your friend during your struggles. Remember, Rome was NOT built in a day!
Please comment back guys and let me know anyone out there who is in college and trying to loose a pound or two! ( or even more!!) this book and my whole new lifestyle really helps out !
Love you all!!!! And bless your souls xoxoxo j
first blog ya'll!!!
I once read a book called "skinny bitch". It helped me get on the right track with my healthy eating, AND it was really informative on what I thought was healthy vrs what actually is healthy.
I advise everyone to read that book!! Back in my high school years, girls on my basketball team noticed my lbs really started to shed off yet they saw how OFTEN i was EATING! huhhh???
got to owe it all to my friends and the publishers of skinny bitch!!! and shout out to my cousin, Jessica who introduced that to me!
I am now feeling totally awesome and love my life!
I loveeee cooking my own food. Cooking is a type of THERAPY for me and helps me cope with certain disorders. It not only is a type of therapy but it also gets me involved and really take care of myself. thanks me!
Today for breakfast I had a a cup of fruit and some cereal with chocolate soy milk! :) YUM!
dig in everyone for lunch!!! its also almost pilates and yoga time!! (WINNING!!!)
leave any comments and or thoughts! woo hoooo!
oh, ps, i found my "little pink book!"
its my tiny notebook where i write all of my thoughts on healthy living!
enjoy your day everyone!
love.live.give.accept. go on
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