Monday, November 19, 2012

Protein... because the natural way is gooood

Here is a giant shout out to all those protein shake companies who have the buyers fooled into thinking that their products are health beneficial to our bodies!! Please, do not get my words mixed up.
Protein shakes WILL give you bulk-age.
Protein shakes WILL shorten your life.

Yes, you read it correctly, SHORTEN YOUR LIFE.

Now now now.Protein shakes are made for your body to put on the added weight, and they do put on the added weight you want to obtain, but, they are also adding toxic to your intestine.
Anything that says " amino acids added" is BAD for you.
Your body NATURALLY will take the amino acids from food and NATURALLY break it down.
If you consume any products that take away that natural function of the body, your body can't break it down.
But its already broken down jenna, why does it mess up your intestines?
well, my little minions ,   because your body can't naturally go through its natural process to take and break down the amino acids from the food, everything just sits and stays in your intestines.
which, in the long run, is staying right where it started.
So yes, you are adding weight to your body, but the weight you are adding is actually harming your body rather than helping it.
Just because your results are helping you on the outside and you are looking fit and fab, DOES NOT mean that your insides are fit and fab as well.

....and if you don't care about your over all body outside AND in than, DONT READ MY BLOG, because i believe and know that good health is all about mental, physical, and emotional, all inside and out body functions!
... now back to my topic!

stay smart, save your money on the supplements and eat the real thing!
buy natural chicken, meat and fish and double up on your intake to increase lean muscle mass, or muscle mass in general. ( aa-duhhhh!)
This will not only save you money on supplements,but down the road when they realize you need a liver transplant from not being able to break down any food and cause of build up, you wont have to pay thousands of dollars to get the surgery, instead, you'll hear via facebook how that one idiot friend DID NOT LISTEN, they just wanted the fast approach, well guess whose laughing at your now stupid rabbit, all of the turtles who took the time, had patience to get their results, and thought about the smart, healthier way to add on muscle mass! :) ;)

**Keep in mind about protein**

1. if you eat meat, you wont have to worry about getting all your amino acids or b-12 vitamins!
2.protein helps with our pH balance (acid balance)
3.if you eat meat, you absorb 90% of the proper protein and nutrients your body needs to survive.
  if you take supplements and chemicals, your body only absorbs 20%
4.excess protein, harmful on kidney stones
5. acts as a buffer, regulates body functions
6. very important for immune system
7. building blocks for hormones

If you want to figure out how much protein you should be getting, here is a basic equation to figure out your daily amount!

 body weight/ 2.2 x .8 ( this is for the average person who doesn't work out )

if you do work out, and be true to how intense you work out, here is the rank of low intensity to high

so, say you work out a lot at your highest efforts, and your weight was 190 lbs. your equation would look like this :
190 / 2.2 = 86.36
86.36 x 1.8 = 155.5 grams of protein daily!!!

You should be having protein with every meal and or snack!

Proteins help control glucose in the body, storing glucose in the body after working out.
so,you should always team up carbs with protein.

- apple and cheese/ apple and peanut butter
- steak and brown rice

Tips for the herbivore eaters out there : 

plant sources dont contain all the amino acids for the body ( incomplete proteins )
take two or more and come up with the amino acids to form one , eat beans and rice ( complementary proteins ) 

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hey guys let me know your thoughts on this, and if anyone has their own stories or questions dealing with exercise, weight loss, medication with ADD,ADHD, depression, anything at all please leave comments!!! :) love to hear back for you guys!